Mário Caeiro is a lecturer, a cultural programmer, a curator and a researcher in the field of urban culture and public art. He is the author of Arte da Cidade – História Contemporânea [Art in the City – Contemporary History], published in 2014 by Círculo de Leitores/Temas e Debates.
Active since 1995 as an independent curator interested in transdisciplinarity, rhetorics, public space and the city, his first best-known projects are Lisboa, Capital do Nada – Marvila 2001 [Lisbon, Capital of Nothing – Marvila 2001] (2001-2002) and Luzboa – Bienal Internacional da Luz [Luzboa – International Biennale on the Theme of Light] (2004/2006).
The Project VICENTE, a yearly urban culture initiative for Projecto Travessa da Ermida in Lisbon (2011-2018), LightCraft Belmonte (2015, 2017 [July and August], 2019-) and the Light Festival BELLA SKYWAY (Toruń, Poland), happening since 2009, are other aspects of his career, which alongside with independent exhibitions extends to work in Graphic Design and as an editor.
In 2019, he curated the exhibition Vicente. The Myth in Lisbon (Museum of Lisbon – Pimenta Palace) which was accompagnied by the book Vicente. Símbolo de Lisboa. Mito Contemporâneo (Theya Editores).
PhD in Visual Arts and Intermedia by Universidade Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), with a thesis about the rhetorics of art in the city, Caeiro is a Communication Designer (ESBAL), also graduated in Comparative Literary Studies. Holds a Master in German Studies (FCSH-UNL) and a Post-Graduation in Urban Design (CPD/FBAUL/Universidade de Barcelona). Was awarded the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, in 2005. Teaching at ESAD.CR/IPL (Portugal) since 2004, he lives in Lisbon.
Mário Caeiro is a researcher at LIDA (Laboratório de Investigação em Design e Artes – IPL/ESAD.CR) and CECC (Centro de Estudos em Comunicação e Cultura – UCP).
Writes regularly for SMART CITIES magazine in Lisbon.
Currently engaged in the research line ‘Theatre of Apparitions’.
Skype: mariojorgecaeiro
Email: urbanaphorisms [at] gmail [dot] com