Eunice, Filipe & Co.


Beautifully ‘framed’ by two artists who finally met. Eunice Artur and Filipe Garcia. At the launching of  the very first Portuguese Emerging Art catalogue by  EMERGE, an innovative project by Daniela Ambrósio and Jorge Reis (with Ana Sécio). You may read my text for the occasion here. But far more exciting is to run to the bookshops and acknowledge the radically beautiful work of Artur and Garcia, as well as of others who manage to share their inner world in a most assertive way.

In the book, sculptor Simeon Nelson puts it in a gorgeous way: «Becoming an artist is learning to be both empirical and rational, developing through rigorous exercise acute observational powers and prodigious internal structuring systems that are needed for critical and responsible creative practice. Its is necessary to see the whole in the fragment and the fragmentary nature of the whole. Artists need to stand-under-things and cast the net of their senses over things. We need to operate from a radical empathy, seeing themselves as part of the world we are reformulating in their work. An authentic voice arises from this engagement, from developing good creative habits that engender a sense of constant wonder and rigorous questioning. Voltaire said “celebrate those who seek the truth, fear those who find it”.»



Belissimamente ’emoldurado’ por dois criadores que finalmente se conheceram. A Eunice Artur e o Filipe Garcia. Por ocasião do lançamento do primeiríssimo catálogo da EMERGE – Portuguese Emerging Art, inovador projecto de Daniela Ambrósio e Jorge Reis (com Ana Sécio). Pode ler-se o meu texto para a ocasião aqui. Mas melhor será conhecer o quanto antes o labor radicalmente belo de Artur e Garcia, bem como de outros que assim procuraram tornar o seu mundo interior mais partilhado, no mais assertivo dos modos. É nesse sentido que vai o texto do escultor inglês Simeon Nelson, que mais acima se reproduz.




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