Isn’t it wonderful when an exhibition makes you feel so small? Not because of any cynical power game, but of the genuine sharing of the profoundly complex. Isn’t it wonderful when an Artist (with a big A) tells us of his most intimate conceptual adventures, while creating the perceptive conditions – a theatre for the apparition – and above all the emotional environment for the rhetoric of knowledge to open up a espace for the common dream.
Isn’t it wonderful that these images speak to us of the silence where they await for us, one day?
Suspended between suggestions of scale, transported by an intermedia materiality, silenced by the light, illuminated by geometry, awakened by the text (that in the end entrances us as in a guided meditation, as in some sort of scientific mantra), what comes to my mind is that one could say this is a quantic approach of art – if only I’d happen to know what I am speaking about.
‘Paradoxical doubt as inscription’ is certainly one (didactic, if not scholastic) dimension of this MONUMENTAL (pun intended) exhibitive experiment. Only being there would I be able to speak of other, immersed in such manifestation of the will of this artist – whose heart beats for knowledge and is as well as big as the intelligence that submits to love.
Nice words aside, what comes to my mind is that what is crucial here is the way this exhibition speaks of the death of art in the name of its transmutation. A certain art, made of finite things has always been understood as a dead letter, by the secret agents of flux: poets, scientists, politicians… Alexandre is all this in one, and I was already missing these meetings with his intelligent action-research. We’re in January but this will for certain be considered the best exhibition of the year.
In sum, historically, there has been a lot of thinking on the tension between Art and Life. This exhibition, the provisional statement of an intense Academic path, is dedicated to another tension: between Life and Art. Switching the position of the terms makes all the difference? Do I make any sense?
OBJETO INFINITO OU UM BEM MAIOR Primeiro conjunto de dúvidas
An exhibition by Alexandre A. R. Costa at ARTLAB24 · Contemporary Art 15.01 — 20.02 . © 2021 Studio André Lemos Pinto